Projects Link to heading

Incremental Smoothing and Mapping on UMich’s Long Term Dataset’s 2D Lidar Data Link to heading


  • Spearhead the development effort of our implementation iSAM in C++.
  • Benchmarked our implementation of iSAM with GaTech’s implementation with 2D Lidar data from Victoria Park Dataset and UMLT dataset.

Face-swapping app Link to heading

OpenCV, Python and DLib

  • Developed a CV algorithm that uses Offline landmark recognition based face-detection algorithms, Image stitchingand color morphing techniques to swap and superimpose faces.
  • Achieved real-time results(greater than 30 FPS) because of the techniques used in the algorithm.

Electronic System to recognize Heart Diseases based on Heart Sounds Link to heading

MATLAB, DSK6713 and C++

  • Designed an Embedded system based on DSK6713 that can identify an anomaly in a heart sound and classify it into a possible heart disease.
  • Identified the problem and resources, and negotiated with the sponsoring doctors to develop the signal processing algorithm, sensor and display interfaces for a fully functioning prototype.
  • Presented at IEEE International Conference

An Embedded test-bed to classify different materials based on their Elastic Responses Link to heading

  • An embedded system based on Renesas S7G2 processor, that collects data from various sensors and returns the test data to a computer for further analysis
  • Developed the SPI, I2C and sensor interfaces for the embedded system in C++.
  • Worked on the PCB Design in Eagle.
  • Worked on the the classification of test results in Julia and Python.

Adaptive Cruise Control Link to heading

  • Developed an adaptive cruise control system that behaves like a typical cruise control when the road in front of vehicles is free of traffic, but if a car comes within a certain distance ahead of the vehicle, the controller will slow down and maintain a safe gap.
  • Developed the PID controller in MATLAB , and Actuator, CAN and Sensor Interfaces in C++.
  • Used the Embedded Coder and Motor Control Toolboxes for Sensor-Interface Development.

Publications and Conferences Link to heading

Electronic System to recognize Heart Diseases based on Heart Sounds Link to heading

May 2016 | Bangalore, India

  • Presented at IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology held at Sri Venkateshwara Group of Institutions, Bangalore. The conference proceedings are published in IEEE Spectrum.

A Comparison of Stochastic and Energy based Algorithms to detect anomalies in Heart Sounds Link to heading

Apr 2016 | Chennai, India

  • Presented at National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Technology was held by Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.